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Infant Swimming Resource

Give your child the competence, confidence and skills of aquatic safety with ISR's Self Rescue Program


Get to Know Me

Liang Joe
Certified ISR Instructor

I am passionate about teaching water survival skills to children.

From my early years, I developed a profound love for water, cultivating a deep appreciation for all facets associated with it. In 2013, I transitioned into coaching, drawn by the competitive swimming experiences of my own children.


While on the pool deck one day, I encountered an ISR instructor for the first time who deeply inspired me. Captivated by their work, I immediately inquired about the path to becoming an ISR instructor. Upon delving further into the details, I recognized it as my true calling. Within six months, I completed the intensive training program and obtained certification. 

The ISR Self-Rescue technique is exceptional, grounded in a strong foundation of behavioral science and theory. The imperative skills required by a child during an aquatic emergency are meticulously presented, reinforced, and practiced to achieve mastery. Despite the challenges, my unwavering dedication is aligned with fulfilling ISR's mission of "Not One More Child Drowns."

More about me: With Chinese ancestry and raised in Argentina, my background is rich in diversity. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, reflecting my dedication to healthcare and saving lives.


Jay and Neil

Kristin and Luke

We seriously can't believe how amazing Liang is.  She's obviously highly trained, but even beyond that, she can connect with kids and make them feel comfortable and confident in ways I've never seen before.  Our daughter was comfortable in the water with her right away and progressed so much faster than we could have imagined.

Jordan H

We were all in the pool this weekend and Mitchell ran around the deep end and fell in.  He was a little scared but did exactly what he should, popped up, kicked, rolled, and floated...and never let go of the toys in his hands and I managed to fight my urge to grab him and let him do it.  He was perfect, thank you so much!!

Kendra C

Today was the last day of swim lessons of the season with Ms. Liang from ISR.  I’m so proud of how much progress the kids have made these past few weeks.  Thank you so much Liang for all that you’ve done to get them here.  You’ve coached them through the early stages of water safety/swimming and instilled a level of confidence in them that has shaped their love and respect for the water. They don’t realize this yet, but we know they will carry these life skills and the time spent with you for life. Thank you for opening up their world! 

Kieu & Greg L

Neil finished his ISR swim lessons today and I couldn’t be prouder of him!  After 8 weeks of lessons, it finally clicked and now he can float and swim on his own. It truly is amazing to see the transformation from day 1 where he immediately sank and couldn’t keep his head above water at all to this on the last day!  Gives me much peace of mind knowing that he has the skills to save himself if he were ever in the unthinkable situation!  Thank you to Liang at ISR Orange County for being an amazing teacher for Neil and going at his pace to make sure to get him water safe! If anyone is considering swim lessons, ISR is most definitely the way to go!  It’s an intense schedule but 1000% worth it!  If you’d like to know more about our experience with ISR, please message, call or text me!

Coryn & Jay O

We are thankful for the “Live Like Jake” scholarship that allowed Wyatt to participate in IRS swim!

Wyatt is a very active toddler who loves the water and has no fear. We knew we had to get him in some form of swim program . We decided ISR would be best for him. After 7 weeks of lessons with Liang, Wyatt is very comfortable in the water. He knows how to roll over on his back and hold his float. It is an amazing thing to watch as a parent & we are confident in his newfound skills!

Liang has been an absolute delight to our family! She is patient and kind. She always worked at Wyatt’s pace. I never felt nervous going into the lessons. She would explain what he would be working on each day. You can see how much she loves children. Teaching swim is not just her job, it is her passion.

Thank you for everything! We look forward to our refresher course.

Krystal & Bob P

We are SO PROUD of Luke and all his hard work with ISR Orange County!  It’s been amazing watching him learn life-saving skills over the past weeks with ISR Self-Rescue lessons.  Thank you ISR Orange County!

Kristin & Chris H

I highly recommend ISR swim lessons to anyone with kids 6months-6yo.  Liam LOVES the water and swimming.  More importantly he knows to respect the water and how to properly swim/float in it.

Kellie & Adam L

Liang works very well with children.  She communicates often and clearly with the parents.  Her teaching style is supportive, but firm.  She is the perfect ISR instructor!  I would recommend her over and over again.

Katrina C

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